Things To Consider Before Developing A Mobile App

developing mobile app

A mobile app has become the new must-have for businesses of all sizes. – Neil Patel, Digital Marketer. Neil couldn’t be more right. Ever since the advent of advanced mobile operating systems like Android and iOS in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the way companies conduct their businesses has been revolutionized.

Introduction To Mobile App Development

These operating systems not only changed the usability for end-users but also opened new avenues for companies to generate income.

With the rising popularity of Android and iOS, the demand for robust and interactive mobile applications increased multifold.

It has become evident these days for a business to have its mobile application to showcase its services and/or products OR to have an application as a product itself. Be it an E-commerce business, a game development company, or an IT enterprise everyone needs an impeccable mobile application.

A lot of thought and effort goes into developing these mobile applications by the developers. To make sure that your efforts do not go to waste, check out the main factors to keep in mind before developing a mobile app.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Your mobile application is not just a product or a way to showcase your services, firstly it is a marketing forefront for your business. This means that you need to research your target audience and whom the app is going to be useful for. Understanding their needs and requirements is the first step to planning out the development process of the application.

E.g., if you open a non-vegetarian restaurant in a vegetarian locality, your business is bound to fail. It’s as simple as that. Whenever there is a gap in the supply-demand chain, that’s when you know you need changes in your strategies.

If you have researched your target audience and are wondering whether the app will thrive in the market or not, you can roll out a beta version of the app to get customer reviews. It will help you gauge the performance of your application.

Platform Selection

It is important to note that choosing the platform on which you will develop your app is crucial. Usually, most businesses opt for developing the app on both iOS and Android platforms, but it is important to know your target audience and their preferences and choose the platform accordingly.

Factors like app brand, app features, and pricing strategy are the most important to consider when choosing the right platform for your app. It is also advisable to master one single platform first and then expand the presence to another platform.

You also need to keep in mind the methodology for development. Native, Cross-platform, or hybrid. If you are low on budget then you should go for cross-platform or hybrid as the native one can be slightly expensive.

Including The Right Features

The features you choose to include can make all the difference when it comes to customer engagement and retention. The more interactive and user-friendly the features are, the more likely it is that your customers will stick around for longer periods. To increase customer retention, it’s important to align your features with both your business goals and your customer’s needs and requirements. This can include things like push notifications, offline access, and in-app purchases.

Push notifications, for example, can be a game-changer when it comes to keeping customers engaged with your app. They can be used to notify customers of new content, promotions, or other important updates. This can help drive customer engagement and retention by keeping your app on top of your mind.

Offline access is another feature that can be very useful for keeping customers engaged with your app. It allows customers to use your app even when they don’t have an internet connection. This can be especially useful for apps that offer content or services that customers may need to access on the go.

Making A Blueprint Of Your Actions

Before diving deep into the development process, it is crucial to make a plan of action that you can follow throughout your development journey. To develop a robust app, you need to understand the stages of development. It is important to make an itinerary of all the steps that you will follow while developing your app.

App development methodology, app design, app architecture, app testing, and enhancement, and finally app deployment. This is how your plan of action could look from a high level. Developing a beta version is also crucial before deploying the final version of the app to the end users. This can help you make changes and test the app according to the reviews and ratings that are given by your customers.


Monetizing your mobile app is a crucial aspect of any business strategy. It’s all about finding the best revenue streams for your app and target audience. From in-app purchases to subscriptions and advertising, there are various ways to make money from your app.

One of the hottest trends in monetization is in-app purchases, which allows you to sell virtual goods, unlock additional features, or offer a premium version of your app. This is particularly effective for gaming apps, where players can purchase in-game items and currency.

Another popular monetization strategy is subscriptions, which offer users access to exclusive content or features for a monthly or annual fee. This works well for apps that offer a wide range of content or services such as music or video streaming apps, news apps, or educational apps.


Creating a killer business mobile app takes more than just an idea, it requires a solid strategy and investment. Before you start building, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your budget and how to allocate it effectively throughout the development process. From app development and maintenance to updates and marketing, there are various aspects of an app that require investment. The budget for your app will depend on the niche you’re in and the type of app and content you want to create.

It’s important to have a realistic budget in place. This will ensure that you have enough funds to cover all the necessary stages of development and not run out of money halfway through the process. But app development is not the only thing that requires investment, maintenance and updates are also necessary to keep your app running smoothly. It is important to allocate a budget for these activities in advance to avoid any unexpected expenses.

Marketing And Promotion

Marketing and promotion are key to the success of any mobile app, and it’s important to have a solid plan in place before the app is even developed. Once the app is built, it’s time to put that plan into action and reach your target audience.

One of the most effective ways to promote your app is through social media advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have massive audiences and targeting options that allow you to reach the right people at the right time.

Influencer marketing is another trend that is on the rise. Partnering with influencers in your niche can help you reach a larger and more engaged audience. Influencers can help to create buzz and generate interest in your app, by creating and sharing content with their followers.

PR is also a great way to get the word out about your app. By reaching out to media outlets and bloggers, you can secure coverage and gain visibility for your app.

Maintenance And Updates

When it comes to mobile app development, the work doesn’t stop once the app is launched. Keeping your app running smoothly and addressing any bugs or issues is crucial for maintaining user engagement and satisfaction. That’s why ongoing maintenance and updates are essential.

Staying on top of regular updates is crucial to ensure that your app is always compatible with the latest version of the operating system. This not only ensures that your app runs smoothly but also helps to prevent any security vulnerabilities. Addressing bugs and issues is also an important aspect of app maintenance. It’s important to have a process in place to track and fix any bugs that are reported by users. This could include using bug-tracking software or hosting beta testing.

Another key aspect of app maintenance is monitoring app performance and user feedback. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary updates to optimize the user experience.


We can conclude that the process of mobile app development is not a piece of cake but if done correctly and mindfully by keeping these factors in consideration, it can turn out to be a fulfilling and successful journey.