What Is Soil Factory – Insider On The Soil Formation

Close up shot of hands working with soil in a soil factory

What is soil factory, and why is soil important? Soil is vital for the survival of mankind. All living organisms depend on it for survival. Without soil, man will not be able to farm, and without farming, there will be no food. When there is no food, living beings will go hungry and cease to exist.

This is why agricultural experts find ways to ensure there is adequate soil for farms to make use of.

This article is written to explain the meaning of soil factory and soil formation. We accept guest posts related to similar articles here. Don’t hesitate to write for us.

What is Soil Factory?

Soil factories are places where soil producers produce soil that is rich in nutrients.

Farmers go to soil factories to get the right soil they need for farming. They go to the soil factories to buy soil because they know the mixtures used to make the soil.

Soil factories are also places where farmers and gardeners go to store their prepared compost in preparation for farming. In addition, these factories preserve the prepared compost with their unique preservation methods.

Farmers can also prepare the soil compost in the soil factories.

Furthermore, farmers use soil from soil factories to grow their crops. At the end of the farming season, the soil produces crops that are healthy and full of nutrients.

Soil factories make it easy to make compost, and the factories are easy to maintain.

How Does Rock Turn Into Soil?

How does rock turn into soil? Soil is produced by breaking down big rocks into little particles. This process is called weathering.

Breakdown of rocks can be done in three ways:

1. Physical Breakdown of Rocks

This occurs when a rock disintegrates into fine particles. The components of these particles remain the same after the breakdown occurs.

How does the physical breakdown of rocks occur? When water continuously seeps underneath a rock for a long time, it fragments the rock gradually. Sedimentation occurs, and this rock turns into fine particles called soil. The same happens when the wind blows on the rock constantly.

2. Chemical Breakdown of Rocks

The chemical breakdown of rocks occurs when there is a chemical reaction in a rock that alters its mineral components.

Factors that cause the chemical breakdown of rocks are:

Carbonation: This is when carbon acids are formed from the dissolution of CO2 from the atmosphere and living things. Thereafter, the water containing acid will flow into the rock and react with the rock’s components to disintegrate it.

Hydrolysis: This is a process whereby water from rainfall goes into a rock. Then, the chemical composition of the rainwater combines with the chemical composition of the rock to dissolve the rock’s minerals.

Oxidation: This is the process whereby atmospheric oxygen combines with iron from the rock to produce iron oxide. The iron oxide will then discolor the rock and cause gradual disintegration.

3. Biological Breakdown of Rocks

It occurs when living organisms cause the rock to break down. When a tree grows inside a rock, there will be spaces inside that rock. The spaces are there to give the tree room to grow. Thereafter, the spaces will slowly widen into big ones and create cracks in the rock. Moreover, animals can crawl into those cracks, which in turn widens the spaces further, and disintegrate the rock.

Things That Contribute To Soil Formation

Climatic Condition of An Area: Climate is a major contributing factor to soil formation. Temperature and rain will determine the constituents of the soil. Rainwater disintegrates rock physically and chemically to form soil. Climatic conditions vary according to region. Some regions experience rainfall constantly, while some regions have scarce rainfall. Regions with constant rainfall will often have rocks disintegrate into soil fertile for farming. On the other hand, regions with little rainfall will find it difficult to have good soil for farming.

Presence of Living Things: Living things like plants and animals also contribute to soil formation. Lands that have dense vegetation contain an adequate amount of humus. When plants, leaves, and animals die in vegetation areas, they decompose. Decomposition occurs due to the presence of microorganisms inside the soil. The microorganisms then absorb the nutrients they need from the decomposed product. The remaining nutrients they don’t need are left inside the soil to increase the soil’s fertility.

Parent-Materials: The parent materials are broken down rocks. All types of rocks can form parent materials for soil formation which, in turn, determines the soil type.

What Does Soil Level Mean

What does soil level mean? Soil level is the number of layers a soil has. The soil layer is also called the soil horizon. Many factors contribute to the number of layers a soil has. Each layer has different textures, structures, and colors.

There are different types of soil levels. They are:

O Levels: This is the first level that contains humus.

A-Levels: This is the second level, which contains minerals that are good for plant production.

E Level: This soil level is white.

B Level: This soil level is characterized by its high density and light appearance. This area is not as rich in nutrients as other levels.

C Level: When parent materials disintegrate, they are stored in the C soil level.

R Level: Bedrocks are the last level of any soil. They are hard in texture and deep in depth. This level is not conducive to planting crops.

Is Soil Homogeneous or Heterogeneous

Soils are heterogeneous because they are mixed from various parent materials. Furthermore, these materials have different constituents.

Is Soil a Heterogeneous Mixture

Soil mixtures are heterogeneous. The reason is that the mixtures are a combination of two or more materials. You can separate the materials without using any chemical method. These materials have different shapes, sizes, structures, chemical components, and many more. This is the reason why a soil mixture is heterogeneous.


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